Configuring condition nodes

Learn how to set up condition nodes such as "Contact property", "Flow variable", and "Conversation status"

Written By Frieda Yip (Super Administrator)

Updated at August 30th, 2024

All condition nodes require setting up in a node form, where you specify the parameters for a condition. In this article, we will guide you on how to set up every condition node so you can filter enrollments based on your desired criteria. 

Contact property

The "Contact property" condition evaluates a specific contact property of an enrollment, such as their name or email. You can use this condition to personalize your responses, trigger different workflows based on contact information, or segment your audience for targeted campaigns.

Set up the "Contact property" condition node form by following the steps below: 

  1. Click on the "Contact property" condition node to open up its form, which will appear on the right side of the screen

  2. The node form contains the following fields for you to configure your condition:

           1. Condition type - The condition type being evaluated by the node
           2. Contact property - Identify the specific contact property to be evaluated 
           against the value you set in the node
           3. Operator - Select the logic used when comparing the enrollment's contact 
           property and your provided value
           4. Value - Enter the desired value that will be compared against the selected 
           contact property


Conversation status

The "Conversation status" condition checks the enrollment's current conversation status, such as open or closed. You can use this condition to automate actions based on a conversation's progress, such as sending reminders, closing conversations, or escalating issues.

Set up the "Conversation status" condition node form by following the steps below:

  1. Click on the "Conversation status" condition node to open up its form, which will appear on the right side of the screen

  2. The node form contains the following fields for you to configure your condition:

            1. Condition type - The condition type being evaluated by the node
            2. Conversation status - Select between "is open" or "is closed" to specify the 
            conversation status that the enrollment’s conversation should meet


Last channel

The "Last channel" condition checks the most recent messaging channel used by the enrolled contact. You can use this condition to tailor your responses based on your preferred communication channels or route conversations to specific users or teams based on the channel being used.

Set up the "Last channel" condition node form by following the steps below:

  1. Click on the "Last channel" condition node to open up its form, which will appear on the right side of the screen

  2. The node form contains the following fields for you to configure your condition:

           1. Condition type - The condition type being evaluated by the node
           2. Operator - Select the logic used when comparing the enrollment’s last 
           channel and the channel you select 
           3. Channel list - Select from the available channels in your company’s account to 
           compare the enrollment's last channel with
           4. Selected channels - A list of all the channels you selected for the condition. 
           You can remove any channels that you decide not to include in this section.



The "Label" condition checks whether a specific label is associated with an enrollment's contact profile. You can use this condition to trigger different workflows based on contact categorization, send targeted messages based on labels, or assign contacts to specific users based on their label attributes.

Set up the "Label" condition node form by following the steps below:

  1. Click on the "Label" condition node to open up its form, which will appear on the right side of the screen

  2. The node form contains the following fields for you to configure your condition:

            1. Condition type - The condition type being evaluated by the node
            2. Operator - Select the logic used when comparing an erollment's associated 
            labels and the labels you select
            3. Selected labels - Select from a list of labels to compare the enrollment's 
            associated labels with



The "List" condition checks if an enrolled contact belongs to a particular contact list. You can use this condition to send targeted messages to specific segments of your audience, trigger workflows based on list membership, or personalize your responses based on list criteria.

Set up the "List" condition node form by following the steps below:

  1. Click on the "List" condition node to open up its form, which will appear on the right side of the screen

  2. The node form contains the following fields for you to configure your condition:

            1. Condition type - The condition type being evaluated by the node
            2. Operator - Select the logic used when comparing the lists the enrollment 
            belongs to and the lists you select
            3. Contact list - Select the contact lists you want to compare the enrollment's 
            associated lists with
            4. Selected lists - All the lists you selected for the condition. You can remove any 
            lists that you decide not to include in this section.


Flow variable

⚠️ Flow variables and flow variable conditions will only be available for Premium and Enterprise plan users after the Flow Builder beta period

This condition can only be used if you have saved data as a flow variable in a previous node in the flow


The "Flow variable" condition assesses the value of a piece of data saved as a variable earlier within the flow. You can use this condition to create dynamic branching within your workflows, personalize responses based on variables, or trigger different actions based on variable values.

Set up the "Flow variable" condition node form by following the steps below:

  1. Click on the "Flow variable" condition node to open up its form, which will appear on the right side of the screen

  2. The node form contains the following fields for you to configure your condition:

            1. Condition type - The condition type being evaluated by the node
            2. Flow variable - Select the flow variable to be compared against the value you 
            set in the node
            3. Data type - Select the data type of the flow variable
            4. Operator - Select the logic used when comparing the flow variable and your 
            provided value
            5. Value - Enter the desired value that will be compared against the selected flow 


Triggered message keyword

⚠️ This condition is only available for flows with any of the following interaction triggers:

  • Incoming message received
  • New customer message received
  • Incoming messages from Click to WhatsApp (CTWA) ad
  • Outgoing message sent

This condition only applies to keywords found in the message that triggers the flow


The "Triggered message keyword" condition evaluates an incoming or outgoing message for the presence of specific keywords. You can use this condition to customize responses based on the content of a message, personalize your interactions based on keywords, or route conversations to specific users based on the keywords identified.

Set up the "Triggered message keyword" condition node form by following the steps below:

  1. Click on the "Triggered message keyword" condition node to open up its form, which will appear on the right side of the screen

  2. The node form contains the following fields for you to configure your condition:

            1. Condition type - The condition type being evaluated by the node
            2. Operator - Select the logic used when comparing the triggered message and 
            your provided keyword
            3. Keyword - Enter the keyword that will be searched for in the triggered 