Message actions

Get to know different actions you can perform in SleekFlow's Inbox

Written By Frieda Yip (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 29th, 2024

SleekFlow offers a set of message actions that you can use when sending and receiving messages. When you hover over a message, you will find a 3-dot icon next to the message. Clicking on the icon, you will see a dropdown of actions you may choose.

Aside from sending and receiving messages, you can also perform different actions in Inbox. In this guide, we will guide you through how to copy and forward messages to selected contacts.  

Copy message

By selecting “Copy message” from the menu, the message will be copied to your clipboard. You can paste the message into other applications or conversations.

Copy to message text box

You can copy a message and paste it directly into the message text box during a conversation. 
Select “Copy to message text box” from the menu, and the message will be copied to your clipboard, and automatically be pasted to the message text box.


You can share a message with another contact in SleekFlow with the “Forward message” feature.
To forward a message, choose “Forward message” from the menu. You can select multiple messages to forward. After that, you can choose the contact you wish to forward the message to. 

Please note that you can only forward text messages, media, and internal notes. WhatsApp templates, interactive messages, payment links, and cart messages are not supported.





You can respond to a specific message within a conversation with the “Reply” feature. 
In a conversation, hover your mouse cursor over the message you want to reply to, and select “Reply” in the dropdown menu. The selected message will be displayed in the message text box. Once you’ve finished writing your message, simply click “Send”. Your reply will be linked to the specific message you replied to, making it easier for others to follow the discussion.

The “Reply message” features is only available on SleekFlow's WhatsApp official Cloud API channels.