Contact property date and time triggers

Learn how to set contact property date and time trigger

Written By Ray Tang (Administrator)

Updated at September 11th, 2024

The "Contact property date and time" trigger is activated based on the selected data or time-based contact property associated with your contacts. This trigger is ideal for initiating workflows around events like birthdays, appointment reminders, contract renewals, or any other important milestones. By leveraging this trigger, your workflows can dynamically respond to changes in your contacts' date and time-based information, ensuring timely and relevant actions.

Setting up the "Contact property date and time" trigger

To set the "Contact property date and time" trigger, follow these steps:

Click on the node to open up its form, which will appear on the right side of the screen

Set up the trigger

1. Schedule based on: Select the specific contact property (e.g., birthday, contract end date) that the trigger will execute on.
2. Trigger date: Decide whether the trigger should activate on the exact contact property date, or set it to trigger before or after that date.

3. Trigger time: Configure whether the trigger should execute at the time specified in the contact property or at a custom time.
4. Enrollment conditions: When toggled on, you can set specific conditions that the contact must meet to be enrolled in the flow when the trigger activates.