Scheduled date and time triggers

Learn how to set scheduled date and time trigger in Flow Builder

Written By Ray Tang (Administrator)

Updated at September 11th, 2024

The "Scheduled date and time" trigger allows you to automate workflows by enrolling contacts at a specific date and time, with the option to repeat this process at regular intervals. This is particularly useful for managing time-sensitive workflows and processes that need to run on a recurring basis.

Setting up the "Scheduled date and time" trigger


To configure the “Scheduled date and time” trigger, follow these steps:

Click on the “Scheduled Date and Time” trigger node within your flow. The form will appear on the right side of the screen.


Set up the trigger

  1. Trigger date: Select the specific date when you want the flow to trigger and run.
  2. Trigger time: Set the exact time when the flow should be activated.
  3. Repeat trigger: Choose if the flow should run at repeated intervals. Options include weekly, monthly, yearly, or a custom interval that suits your needs. The system is designed to handle edge cases, such as when the trigger date is set for the 31st of a month. If the next month has only 30 days, the flow will run on the 30th instead.

       4. Enrollment conditions: When toggled on, you can set specific conditions that the customer must meet in order to be enrolled into the flow.