The “Conversation Analytics Dashboard” provides valuable insights into your inbox performance, allowing you to monitor message volume and evaluate team or agent efficiency. This dashboard is designed to help you optimize communication workflows and enhance overall team productivity.
Accessing Conversation Analytics Dashboard
You can follow the steps below to access the Conversation Analytics Dashboard:
- On the left navigation bar, click on the
- A menu will appear, click on “Conversations” to go to the Conversation Analytics Dashboard
- You will be redirected to the Conversation Analytics Dashboard
Conversation Analytics Overview
In the Conversation Analytics Dashboard, you will see different sections, including:
In the sections below, we will be introducing different sections and the definitions of different metrics available on the Conversation Analytics Dashboard.
Tool bar

Under this section, you can explore and apply various filters to customize the data displayed in the Conversation Analytics Dashboard. By default, the filter is set to display data from the past 7 days, grouped by “Days.” Once the filters are applied, they will update the data shown in the Conversation Analytics Dashboard.
To learn more about the filters available, please refer to this section.
Metrics card
In the “Metric card” section, you will see the following metrics:
Active conversations: The total number of conversations with at least 1 incoming message within a calendar day during the selected date range
New inquiries: The total number of conversations initiated by incoming messages within a calendar day during the selected date range
Average reply time: The average time it takes for a team member to send the first successful reply after receiving the earliest message from a customer within the same channel during the selected date range
The “Conversations” section offers insights into the volume and traffic of your conversations. Here, you can track the following metrics by date:
- Conversations: Total number of conversations with at least 1 successful outgoing message or incoming message within a calendar day during the selected date range.
- Active conversations: The total number of conversations with at least 1 incoming message within a calendar day during the selected date range
Note: Imported conversations are excluded in these metrics.
Note: Imported conversations are excluded in these metrics.
The “Messages” section provides an overview of message status volumes. You can track the following metrics by date:
- Messages sent: Total number of messages sent successfully by team members during the selected date range
- Messages received: Total number of incoming messages during the selected date range
Messages failed to send: Total number of outgoing messages sent by team members that failed to deliver during the selected date range
Response performance
The “Response performance” section offers an overview of overall response efficiency. In this section, you can track the following metrics by date:
- Average reply time: The average time it takes for a team member to send the first successful reply after receiving the earliest message from a customer within the same channel during the selected date range
- Average first reply time: The average time between the first message received from a customer and the first successful reply sent by a team member at the start of a conversation
Average resolution time: The average time between when a conversation is opened and when it is closed, either manually or via Flow Builder. Filters and working hours settings do not apply to this metric.
Note: Automated messages will not impact the “Response performance” metrics.
Applying working hours settings in Response performance metrics
If you have enabled and configured working hours, the average reply time and average first reply time metrics will be calculated based on your defined working hours. The working hours and calendar day act as a cut-off timeframe for these calculations.
Working hours settings enabled
Scenario 1: Within working hours
- A customer sends a message at 5:50 PM on Monday.
- A team member replies at 5:55 PM on the same day.
- Response time: 5 minutes.
Scenario 2: Response partially outside working hours
- A customer sends a message at 5:50 PM on Monday.
- A team member replies at 6:30 PM on the same day (30 minutes after working hours).
- Response time: 10 minutes (time outside of working hours is not excluded).
Scenario 3: Message and response entirely outside working hours
- A customer sends a message at 7:00 PM on Monday.
- A team member replies at 7:30 PM on the same day.
- This response time will be discarded. Messages received and replies sent entirely outside working hours or those replied to the next calendar day are not included in the calculation.
Working hours settings disabled
If working hours are not enabled:
- No cut-off time is applied, and metrics are calculated for all responses within the same calendar day.
- However, any response time involving messages received and replied to across different calendar days will be excluded from the calculation.
You can visit our Help Center article here to learn more about working hours settings.
Note: Imported contacts are excluded in the “Contacts” metrics.
The “Contacts” section offers insights into new inquiries and contact volume. In this section, you can track the following metrics by date:
- New inquiries: The total number of conversations initiated by incoming messages within a calendar day during the selected date range
New contacts: The total number of new contacts added during the selected date range, limited to those with no prior records stored in SleekFlow.
The “Broadcasts” section offers insights into the performance of your broadcasts. In this section, you can monitor:
In the metrics cards:
- Delivery rate: The percentage of broadcast messages successfully delivered out of the total messages sent during the selected time period
- Bounce rate: The percentage of broadcast messages that failed to deliver out of the total messages sent during the selected time period
- Read rate: The percentage of broadcast messages read by recipients out of the total messages sent during the selected time period
Reply rate: The percentage of responses received from recipients out of the total messages sent during the selected time period
In the “Message by status” chart:
You can view the total number of broadcast messages by its status- Sent: The total number of broadcast messages sent
- Delivered: The total number of broadcast messages successfully delivered
- Bounced: The total number of broadcast messages failed to deliver
- Read: The total number of broadcast messages that has been read by the recipient
Replied: The total number of broadcast messages that received a reply (incoming message) within the same calendar day

Note: Filters and segments are not applicable to this section.
Working with Conversation Analytics
The Conversation Analytics Dashboard allows you to customize and refine your view using various tools and settings. Below is a detailed guide to help you navigate and apply these settings effectively.
1. Apply date range
Select your desired time period to analyze the conversation data.
Use the date range field in the toolbar to choose from these default options:
- Yesterday: Data from the previous calendar day.
- Last 7 Days: Data from the past 7 calendar days (excluding today).
- Last 14 Days: Data from the past 14 calendar days (excluding today).
- Last 30 Days: Data from the past 30 calendar days (excluding today).
You can also select a custom time period of up to 180 days by clicking the custom date field.
Note: Some historical data may not be fully available due to limitations in data migration
2. Apply previous period comparison
Enable a time comparison by checking the “Compare previous period” checkbox under the date range field. The comparison period will match the length of the selected date range.
The dashboard will display data and charts for both the selected date range and the previous period.
- If segments are applied, the previous period comparison cannot be enabled, and vice versa. To use this comparison, remove any segment filters.
- Some historical data may not be fully available due to limitations in data migration
3. Apply “Group by” filter
Decide how to display your data in the charts based on time intervals.
You can choose from the following options:
- Day
- Week (formatted by calendar weeks)
- Month (formatted by calendar months)
The selected grouping will be applied to the dashboard’s line charts.
Note: This option is not applicable to metric cards and the broadcast section.
4. Apply segment(s)
You can apply up to two segments to analyze specific subsets of data. Select the desired segments from the segment field if they have already been created. To create and manage segments, you can refer to this section.
Once applied, the dashboard data and charts will reflect the selected segments.
- If the previous period comparison is enabled, segments cannot be applied, and vice versa. To apply segments, remove the comparison.
- Segments are not applicable to the average resolution rate and the broadcast section.
Create and manage segments
You can create new segments or edit existing ones within the dashboard.
Create a segment
You can follow the steps here to create a segment:
- In the tool bar, click “Segment”
- A drop-down menu will appear
- Click “Manage” and a pop-up modal will appear
- Click “Create segment” and a dialog will appear
- Enter a name for the new segment and click “Edit” to apply filters
Add contact properties and multiple conditions to define the segment
Manage existing segments
You can follow the steps below to edit or delete existing segments:
- In the tool bar, click “Segment”
- A drop-down menu will appear
Click “Manage” and a pop-up modal will appear

- You can choose to edit or delete an existing segment:
- To edit a segment, click on the
icon to edit the name, or the filters applied in the segment.
- Once you have finished editing, click “Save” to apply the changes
- To delete a segment, click on the
- A pop-up window will appear. Click “OK” to confirm the deletion
- To edit a segment, click on the
5. Apply filters
Use “Advanced filters” to narrow down your data by specifying properties, rules, and values.
You can follow the steps below to apply “Advanced filters”:
- Click the Advanced Filter button to open the filter settings.
- Choose the property you wish to use for filtering:
- Assignee
- You can select the contact owner of a conversation in the following metrics:
- Conversations
- Active conversations
- New inquiries
- New contacts
- You can select a team member of the conversation in the following metrics:
- Average first response time
- Average response time
- Message sent
- Message failed
- You can select the contact owner of a conversation in the following metrics:
- Channels
You can apply filters to the channels you have connected in SleekFlow
- Assignee
- Define the rule for your filter:
- Is any of - the system will include all values that meet any of the specified criteria
- Is not any of - the system will exclude all values that meet any of the specified criteria
- Select values for the chosen property and add up to 5 conditions.
- Use operators (AND or OR) to connect conditions. The first operator applies to all conditions in the filter.
- Click “Apply” to execute the search.
Once applied, the dashboard data and charts will reflect the filters. To clear filters, click Clear All within the filter dialog or use the Reset button on the toolbar.
Note: Filters are not applicable to the “Average resolution time” metric and the “Broadcasts” section.
6. Reset all filters and settings
To reset all applied settings (e.g., “Date range”, “Compare previous period”, “Segments”, “Group by”, and “Filters”), click the “Reset” button on the toolbar.

This will restore the dashboard to its default state.
Note: The “Reset” button will not be enabled if there is no filter or settings applied.
7. Export data
You can export the dashboard data in .CSV format for further analysis.
You can follow the steps below to export your data to a .CSV format:
- Select the date range of the data you want to export
- Click the “Export” button on the top right corner of the page
- Download process will begin
- Once completed, the .CSV file will be available on your computer
The exported data will include all the metrics available in the dashboard, aggregated by day, providing a comprehensive view for your analysis needs.
Note: Only the date range is applied in this section. “Segments”, “Filters”, “Comparison period” and “Group by” settings will not be applicable in the exported .CSV file.